(250mg N40)
- Products and Services
- Prescription medicines
- Metabolic medicines
- Vazomag®
(250mg N40)
(250mg N40)
Active substance: meldonium
Dose and quantity: 250mg N40
Pharmaceutical form: Capsules
Category: Metabolic medicines
Vazomag® positively affects energetic metabolism of the organism and moderately activates the central nervous system.
Under the conditions of ischemia (oxygen deficiency in tissues),Vazomag® restores the energetic balance between oxygen delivery and consumption in cells, activates those metabolism processes that need less oxygen consumption for energy creation. The medicine has a vasodilating effect, improves blood delivery into tissues.
As a result of Vazomag® effect on CNS the memory, concentration ability and movement coordination are improved.
Therapeutic indications:
- Complex therapy of cardiovascular system therapy: stable angina pectoris, chronic heart failure (NYHA I-III functional class), ischemic cardiomyopathy (uninflammatory heard muscles disease), during recovery period after cardiac infarction;
- Complex therapy of acute and chronic ischemic brain blood circulation disturbances;
- Complex therapy during recovery period after disturbances of brain blood circulation, head traumas;
- In cases of decreased performance, physical and psycho emotional overload.